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АвторТема: Фёдор Шаляпин - Mp3 Collection - 2009 (mp3 - 128kB/ps)  (Прочитано 1818 раз)

Сентября 20, 2011, 19:06:39
Прочитано 1818 раз

Онлайн milruuk

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    Сегодня в 00:23:17

Фёдор Шаляпин - Mp3 Collection - 2009 (mp3 - 128kB/ps)
« : Сентября 20, 2011, 19:06:39 »
  Фёдор Шаляпин - [/color]  MP3 Collection

Исполнитель: ...........  Фёдор Шаляпин
Альбом: ....................  MP3 Collection
Год: ..........................  2009
Жанр: .......................  Опера, романс, народная песня
Формат: ....................  mp3
Битрейт: ...................  128
Размер: ....................  157+40+33+69+16+105+253 mb
Файлообменник: ......  megaupload
Биография: ...............  Ознакомиться  (нажать)

01-The song of the needy pilgrim.mp3
02-When the King went to war.mp3
03-Prologue from the opera 'Mefistofele'.mp3
04-Mephistopheles' serenade from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
05-The flea.mp3
06-Mephistopheles' couplets from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
07-Susanin's aria from the opera 'A life for the Tzar'.mp3
08-Stances de Nilakantha from the opera 'Lakme'.mp3
09-Russlan's aria from the opera 'Russlan and Ludmilla'.mp3
11-'Rise, rise, you red sun'.mp3
13-Don Basilio's aria from the opera 'Il Barbiere di Sivigli.mp3
14-Pimen's monologue from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
16-'In the meadows, by the birches'.mp3
17-Eremka's song from the opera 'The Power of Evil'.mp3
18-Down Mother Volga, From under the oak.mp3
19-Flowers' charming from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
20-Eh, Vanka!.mp3
21-The tempest rages.mp3
23-'Rise, rise, you red sun'.mp3
24-'The sun rises and sets'.mp3
26-King Philip's aria from the opera 'Don Carlos'.mp3
27-Church scene from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
28-The Unknown's aria from the opera 'Askold's Tomb'.mp3
29-Varlaam's song from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
30-They won't let Masha.mp3
31-Boris' farewell with son and death from the opera 'Boris.mp3
32-Galitsky's song from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
33-Do not weep, child from the opera 'The Demon'.mp3
34-Now let Thy servant depart in peace.mp3
35-Pimen's narration from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
36-Two Grenadiers.mp3
37-'On the ocean of the air' from the opera 'The Demon'.mp3
38-Not autumn dazzling rain.mp3
39-Vakh song.mp3
40-La Marseillaise.mp3
41-Oroveso's aria from the opera 'Norma'.mp3
42-Don Basilio's aria from the opera 'Il Barbiere di Sivigli.mp3
43-Prologue from the opera 'Mefistofele'.mp3
44-Rodolfo's cavatina from the opera 'Sonnambula'.mp3
45-Bertram's appeal from the opera 'Roberto il Diavolo'.mp3
46-Alfonso's cavatina from the opera 'Lucrezia Borgia'.mp3
47-Don Silva's cavatina from the opera 'Ernani'.mp3

01-The tale of Il'ya Murometz.mp3
02-The Varangian Merchant's song from the opera 'Sadko'.mp3
03-She laughed.mp3
04-On the hills of Georgia.mp3
05-The nightingale.mp3
06-We have met yesterday.mp3
07-The tale of Ivan the Terrible.mp3
08-The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law.mp3
09-Oh, the green oak, Komarische.mp3
10-Sapphische ode.mp3
11-Farewell word.mp3
12-A swan.mp3
13-The prisoner.mp3
14-Verses in an album.mp3
15-An old song.mp3

01-Varlaam's song from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
02-Galitsky's song from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
03-Prologue from the opera 'Mefistofele'.mp3
04-Colline's aria from the opera 'La Boheme'.mp3
05-Blest be these forests.mp3
06-The sun rises and sets.mp3
07-Mephistopheles' couplets from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
08-Mephistopheles' serenade from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
09-Leporello's aria from the opera 'Don Giovanni'.mp3
11-Down the Petersky.mp3

01-Galitsky's song from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
02-Varlaam's song from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
03-Prologue from the opera 'Mefistofele'.mp3
04-Rodolfo's cavatina from the opera 'Sonnambula'.mp3
05-The blind ploughman.mp3
06-Oh, could I in song tell my sorrow.mp3
07-Leporello's aria from the opera 'Don Giovanni'.mp3
08-They won't let Masha walk by the brook.mp3
09-Down the Petersky.mp3
10-Chanson du duc for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
11-Chanson du depart for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
12-Chanson a Dulcinee for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
13-La mort de Don Quichotte for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
14-The song of the needy pilgrim.mp3
15-Rise, rise, you red sun.mp3
16-Phonogram fragment for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
17-Sancho Panza's aria from the opera 'Don Quichotte'.mp3

01-Ah, thaw, red sun!.mp3
04-I have been looking my eyes through.mp3

01-Boris' farewell with son and death from the opera 'Boris.mp3
02-Boris' death from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
04-When the King went to war.mp3
05-Two Grenadiers.mp3
06-The midnight review.mp3
07-The flea.mp3
08-The Varangian Merchant's song from the opera 'Sadko'.mp3
09-They won't let Masha.mp3
10-Oh, could I in song tell my sorrow.mp3
11-The Prophet.mp3
12-Ei ukhnem!.mp3
13-In questa tomba oscura.mp3
14-Don Basilio's aria from the opera 'Il Barbiere di Sivigli.mp3
15-Pimen's monologue from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
16-Boris' monologue from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
17-Eh, Vanka!.mp3
18-Aleko's cavatina from the opera 'Aleko'.mp3
19-The last trip.mp3
20-The nightingale.mp3
21-Susanin's aria from the opera 'A life for the Tzar'.mp3
22-Recitative and final from the opera 'A life for the Tzar'.mp3
23-Igor' aria from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
24-Konchak's aria from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
26-The horn.mp3
27-Philip's aria from the opera 'Don Carlos'.mp3
28-The dreams.mp3
30-Bertram's appeal from the opera 'Roberto il Diavolo'.mp3

01-Church scene from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
02-Coronation scene from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
03-The flea.mp3
04-Don Basilio's aria from the opera 'Il Barbiere di Sivigli.mp3
05-Two Grenadiers.mp3
06-The midnight review.mp3
07-Farewell with son from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
08-Boris' death from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
09-Mefistofele's ballad with whistle from the opera 'Mefisto.mp3
10-Scene in the hell from the opera 'Mefistofele'.mp3
11-The flea.mp3
12-Don Basilio's aria from the opera 'Il Barbiere di Sivigli.mp3
13-Demon's romance from the opera 'The Demon'.mp3
14-Demon's aria from the opera 'The Demon'.mp3
15-Mephistopheles' couplets from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
16-Flowers' charming from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
17-Mephistopheles' serenade from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
18-'Everybody says there is no truth' from the opera 'Mozart.mp3
19-'As a cherub' from the opera 'Mozart and Salieri'.mp3
20-'You will sleep long, Mozart' from the opera 'Mozart and.mp3
21-When the King went to war.mp3
22-In questa tomba oscura.mp3
23-La mort de Don Quichotte for the film 'Don Quichotte'.mp3
24-Ei ukhnem!.mp3
25-The Prophet.mp3
26-The Varangian Merchant's song from the opera 'Sadko'.mp3
27-Konchak's aria from the opera 'Prince Igor'.mp3
28-Scene with son and Boris' monologue 'I have attend the hi.mp3
29-Scene with Boris' 'My heart is heavy'.mp3
30-Farewell with son and Boris' death.mp3
31-The Double.mp3
32-The death and the girl.mp3
33-The horn.mp3
34-Old Corporal.mp3
35-Farewell, gladness.mp3
36-She laughed.mp3
37-Mephistopheles' couplets from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
38-Mephistopheles' serenade from the opera 'Faust'.mp3
39-Sten'ka Razin.mp3
45-Eremka's song from the opera 'The Power of Evil'.mp3
47-Persian song.mp3
48-Farlaf's rondo from the opera 'Russlan and Ludmilla'.mp3
49-The Miller's aria from the opera 'Rusalka'.mp3
50-Scene of madness from the opera 'Rusalka'.mp3
51-Boris' monologue 'I have attend the highest power' from t.mp3
52-'My heart is heavy' from the opera 'Boris Godunov'.mp3
53-Now let Thy servant depart in peace.mp3
55-The twelve brigands.mp3
56-Down Mother Volga.mp3
57-Twofold Litany.mp3
58-The Creed.mp3
59-Aleko's cavatina from the opera 'Aleko'.mp3
61-Black eyes.mp3
62-The prisoner.mp3
63-The flea.mp3
64-Ei ukhnem!.mp3

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Мая 13, 2012, 15:02:19
Ответ #1

Оффлайн ilja000042

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  • Дата регистрации:

  • Дата последнего визита:
    Июня 08, 2015, 20:04:58

Фёдор Шаляпин - Mp3 Collection - 2009 (mp3 - 128kB/ps)
« Ответ #1 : Мая 13, 2012, 15:02:19 »
 Не работает ссылка: FBI FNTI-PIRACY пишет

Мая 28, 2012, 23:00:10
Ответ #2

Оффлайн SVSergo

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  • Дата последнего визита:
    Марта 04, 2025, 16:12:03

Фёдор Шаляпин - Mp3 Collection - 2009 (mp3 - 128kB/ps)
« Ответ #2 : Мая 28, 2012, 23:00:10 »
 Перезалил на Народ.
640 Мб (три независимых архива),
без пароля.
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